Value Stream Mapping Overview


We work together to define improvement needs, goals, benefits, participants, and next steps.

It includes conducting interviews, defining the scope of the workshop and aligning with current ongoing initiatives.

I use a template for this part, here it is: VSM Planning Template.

Current State Mapping

Map the main processes required to deliver value to the customer, measure the work and wait time, and find the constraint slowing us down.

Note: Typically, teams are pretty good at improving their own processes and know where the bottlenecks are. It’s where there are dependencies with other teams that it becomes challenging to improve.

Current State Mapping

Dependency Mapping

Identify dependencies and contributing factors for the constraint. Build a case for collaboration as benefiting the customer and the company.

Dependency Mapping

Future State Mapping

Identify sources of waste in the value stream and redesign it for reduced waste and improved flow.

Sources of Waste: Defects, Waiting, Handoffs, Non-Utilized Talent, etc.

Future State Mapping

Improvement Roadmap

Sequence improvement actions into a roadmap based on importance and feasibility, with progress measures and owners.

Improvement Roadmap

Final Presentation

The team shares what they have learned with a wider stakeholder audience. This is a great opportunity to get buy-in for the upcoming improvements.

Follow-Up Period

After the workshop we measure progress against the metrics set by the team, discuss blockers and changes to the plan.


This approach is heavily inspired by Karen Martin and Mike Osterling’s Value Stream Mapping book, and Steve Pereira and Andrew Davis’s Flow Engineering book.